Tuesday 23 March 2010

The first instalment...

this is it... the first one... i've finally gotten round to it. i didn't so much break my new year resolution, as just took a couple of months to get round to it. this was the resolution that i would spend much more time in the studio than i had in the last six months of 2009. so after that drop in creative output, a couple of sputtering starts and leaving the silly thing in reverse - it's taken me a while to put something new together and i was so pleased with myself today (it doesn't take much - any excuse to jump around with a smile), that i thought i should start blogging my creative output, too.
I did a whole load of drawings of spaceships, robots and ufos and this is the first set from that work. There will be more (actually, there already is - these are just the ones i mounted up). I've been developing my way of working using drawings and adding textures and colours digitally - i tried this years ago but wasn't happy with the results and stuck to black and white, but for some reason it's working a whole lot better for me now. and i can't help but get excited about producing artwork.

the illustrations are made into pin badges. I like using this method of presenting my work at the moment, and am planning a few more sets to follow.